Over the years, I have created several membership sites, both free and paid. In the early days, I simply password-protected pages on my website and charged for access.

As the software got better, there were special programs you could buy that would enable you to set up membership sites. Today, with WordPress, some plugins make it so simple.


For setting up membership sites, you have a variety of options, ranging from free to paid solutions. Here are some popular choices:

Free Solutions:

  1. WordPress with MemberPress Plugin (Free Version): WordPress is a free platform, and MemberPress offers a free version of its plugin to create membership sites. However, the free version has limited features compared to the paid version.
  2. S2Member: This is a free WordPress plugin that allows you to protect content and manage members. It’s a good starting point for a basic membership site.

Paid Solutions:

  1. MemberPress: This is a premium WordPress plugin that provides a comprehensive solution for creating membership sites. It offers content protection, subscription management, and integration with payment gateways.
  2. Kajabi: Kajabi is an all-in-one platform for creating online courses, membership sites, and landing pages. It’s a powerful tool for creators who want to sell digital products and manage members.
  3. Teachable: Similar to Kajabi, Teachable is a platform for creating and selling online courses and memberships. It offers a user-friendly interface and various features for managing members and content.
  4. Thinkific: Another popular platform for creating and selling online courses and membership sites. Thinkific provides a range of tools for content creation, marketing, and membership management.
  5. Podia: Podia is an all-in-one platform for selling digital products, including memberships. It offers a simple interface and features for email marketing, messaging, and content hosting.
  6. Wild Apricot: This is a membership management software that’s popular among associations, clubs, and nonprofit organizations. It offers features for member registration, event management, and website creation.

When choosing a platform or plugin, consider your specific needs, such as the level of customization required, the types of content you’ll offer, and the payment gateways you want to use. Also, keep in mind the long-term costs and scalability of the solution.

Here is my Product Creation membership program you can sign up for the free one to see how it works. https://productcreation.com.au/

Benefits of Creating a Membership Site:

Membership Video Training

Creating a membership site can be an excellent way to monetize your content, build a loyal community, and establish a recurring revenue stream.

A membership site is a website that requires users to pay a subscription fee to access exclusive content, products, or services.

This model has become increasingly popular in recent years as more businesses and content creators recognize the value of creating a loyal customer base and offering premium content or services.

  1. Recurring Revenue: One of the primary benefits of a membership site is the ability to generate recurring revenue. Instead of relying on one-time sales or advertising revenue, a membership site allows you to collect regular payments from your subscribers. This predictable income stream can provide financial stability and help you plan for future growth.
  2. Community Building: A membership site can foster a sense of community among your subscribers. By offering exclusive content and features, you can create a space where like-minded individuals can connect, share ideas, and engage with one another. This community aspect can lead to increased loyalty, engagement, and valuable feedback from your members.
  3. Content Monetization: If you produce high-quality content, a membership site provides a way to monetize that content directly. Rather than relying on advertising or sponsorships, you can offer your content to paying subscribers, ensuring that you’re compensated for your efforts.
  4. Exclusivity and Perceived Value: By creating a members-only area, you can offer exclusive content or services that are not available to the general public. This exclusivity can increase the perceived value of your offerings and make your members feel like they are part of an elite group.
  5. Customer Relationship Management: A membership site allows you to gather valuable customer data and gain insights into their preferences and behaviors. This information can be used to improve your offerings, tailor your content, and provide better customer service.

Setting Up and Using a Membership Site:

There are various software solutions and platforms available for creating and managing a membership site. Here are some popular options:

WordPress with Membership Plugins: WordPress is a popular content management system (CMS) that can be easily adapted to create a membership site with the help of plugins. Some popular membership plugins for WordPress include:

  • MemberPress: A comprehensive membership plugin that allows you to create and manage multiple membership levels, handle payments, and restrict content access.
  • Paid Memberships Pro: A flexible and user-friendly plugin that offers a range of features for creating and managing membership sites.
  • Restrict Content Pro: A lightweight plugin that enables you to restrict content access based on user roles and membership levels.

Dedicated Membership Site Platforms: There are also dedicated platforms specifically designed for building and managing membership sites. These platforms often offer robust features and seamless integration with payment gateways and other third-party services. Some popular options include:

  • Kajabi: An all-in-one platform for creating and selling online courses, memberships, and digital products.
  • aMember: A powerful membership script that supports multiple payment gateways and integrates with a variety of third-party tools.
  • Memberful: A simple and user-friendly platform for creating and managing membership sites, with a focus on recurring payments and customer management.

E-commerce Platforms with Membership Functionality: Some e-commerce platforms also offer membership features or plugins that allow you to create a membership site. Examples include:

  • WooCommerce Memberships: A WooCommerce extension that enables you to create and manage membership plans, restrict content access, and offer member-only products or discounts.
  • Easy Digital Downloads: An e-commerce platform for selling digital products, which also includes a membership add-on for creating and managing membership sites.

Setting up a membership site typically involves the following steps:

membership site payments

  1. Choose a platform or plugin that suits your needs and budget.
  2. Install and configure the software, setting up membership levels, payment options, and content restrictions.
  3. Create and organize your content, products, or services that will be available to members.
  4. Set up payment gateways and integrate them with any third-party services you plan to use (e.g., email marketing, analytics, etc.).
  5. Design and customize the membership area to match your branding and provide a seamless user experience.
  6. Promote your membership site and begin attracting subscribers.

Once your membership site is up and running, it’s important to consistently provide valuable content or services to your members, engage with your community, and continually improve your offerings based on feedback and analytics.

In Summary

Creating a membership site can be a powerful way to monetize your content, build a loyal community, and establish a recurring revenue stream. With the right software and platform, you can create a membership site that meets your specific needs and provides a valuable experience for your members.

Membership Site Further tutorials and eBook
